Basie is our 35W/CH PP integrated stereo power amp using the very popular EL34 output tube.
This amp is a hybrid design effort between Ray Waters, our tube circuit guru and Erhard Audio.
Basie's tube complement consists of 2x12DW7's, 2x12AY7's, 2x12AU7's and 4xEL34's output tubes.
The power transformer is our own design, custom built for us by Heyboer and the OPT's are the excellent Lundahl LL3723PP.
Model Basie uses an Auto Bias circuit, identical to the one used in our model Elvis 60W/CH stereo power amp. This takes the guess work out of keeping the bias for the EL34's at the correct level. We set the bias, then you'll never have to worry about adjusting the bias again!
Please contact us if you wish to know more about the Auto Bias circuit and how it works.
The all important preamp power supplies are regulated solid state for the best performance and zero background noise!
Basie has 4 input selections as standard, Phono, CD, DAC and AUX and these can be re named at no additional cost. Tone controls are also included which come with a tone control defeat switch for those listening sessions where a classic style line preamp is desired.
NOTE: The phono input is by name only, Basie does not come with a phono preamp.
A choice of woods for the chassis as well as different colored anodized plates are available.
Basie is available with the following options:
a TAPE/SOURCE switch or remote volume control
Basie is build to order and can be wired for 120VAC 60Hz or 220-240VAC 50Hz and will take around 6-8 weeks to complete and ship.


+ remote volume
+ Tape/Source switch
+ Stereo/Mono switch
Basie Options
In honor and memory of David Bond, a friend and fellow audio enthusiast who suggested the name Basie for this amp