SUT Kits for MC Cartridges
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Premium MC Phono Step-Up (SUT) Kits
The Premium Kit is supplied with the new LL1931, LL1933, LL194 , LL1943 , LL1961 , LL1971 and LL1963 MC step-up transformers. (click on the model numbers to bring up the data sheet) These were developed as a higher performance alternative to the LL9226 and LL1678. They use the same amorphous cobalt core material, but are substantially larger. The coils are wound with Cardas “6 nines” high purity copper wire.
The design was optimized for low to medium output MC cartridges and the sonic performance with these transformers is exceptional.
The LL1931 and LL1933 provides 18dB and 24dB step-up capability that is switch selectable. A higher step-up ratio version of the LL1931/1933, the LL1941/1943, is also available for very low output cartridges or for use with low gain phono preamps, yielding 24dB and 30dB step-up.
The LL1971 provides 22dB and 27dB step-up capability that is switch selectable.
The LL1961 provides 4dB and 10dB step up, the LL1963 provides 10dB and 16dB step up. 
For the Ultimate in MC Step-up the LL1931, LL1933, LL1941 and LL1943 are all available wound with high purity silver wire as an option.
There is also grounding flexibility designed into the kit to allow the best performance with different types of tonearm cabling. 
Solder pads for resistors (1/4 or 1/2W) on the secondary side of each transformer are provided on the PC board so that the user can optimize resistive loading for the best sound.
The kit includes connectors, transformers, PC board, generic high purity copper wire, hardware, and enclosure. 
NOTE: we need the specs of your MC cartridge in order to get the correct R-LOAD resistor value!
Important note about the R-LOAD resistor.
We base the R-LOAD resistor value, shipped with your kit, on the data on your MC cartridge you provided us with.
This value is not completely set in concrete, and can in fact be varied with a resistor value above and below with what is shipped with your kit.
The relevant different values which can be tried for a given SUT model are detailed in the Applications Guide. Experimenting with different R-LOAD resistor values will change the resulting tone of your turntable and cartridge in use and allows you to really fine tune your MC cartridge.
To aid in trying out different R-LOAD resistor value, our kits come with gold plated pcb pins, onto which the R-LOAD resistor is mounted/soldered to. This makes changing out the R-LOAD resistor easier and safer, as constant de soldering and re soldering of parts directly on a pcb pad can and will damage that pad in time.
Please see the photo's below showing how the R-LOAD resistoe is mounted to these pcb pins.
The enclosures is a diecast aluminum case that provides exceptional RF shielding. The enclosure is physically small (4.57″ x 3.03″ x 1.48″, 16cm x 7.7cm x 3.8cm), so it can be located conveniently.
The standard color for the case is Cobalt Blue, but we can also offer the following colors, depending on availability. Please contact us first if you wish to have a color other than Cobalt blue, as it may not be available straight away. 
For more information on MC SUT's, and how to apply proper loading to cartridges, we suggest you visit this page, Applications Guide
  LL1931, Amorphous core, Premium Moving Coil Step-Up Kit:
  LL1931Ag (silver wire) Premium Moving Coil Step-Up Kit:
  LL1933 Nickel Lamination core, Premium Moving Coil Step-Up
  LL1933Ag (silver wire) Premium Moving Coil Step-Up Kit:
  LL1941, Amorphous core, Premium Moving Coil Step-Up Kit:
  LL1941Ag (silver wire) Premium Moving Coil Step-Up Kit:
  LL1943 Nickel Lamination core, Premium Moving Coil Step-Up
  LL1943Ag (silver wire) Premium Moving Coil Step-Up Kit:
 LL1971, Cardas high purity copper wire, Amorphous core,
  Premium Moving Coil Step-Up Kit:
  LL1961, Cardas high purity copper wire, Amorphous core,
  Premium Moving Coil Step-Up Kit:
  LL1963, Cardas high purity copper wire, MU metal core
  Premium Moving Coil Step-Up Kit:
  Assembled and tested kit, add to the above prices:
  Shipping to the lower 48:
Lead time approximately 1 week.
Assembly and testing will add 1 week to shipping
Lifetime warranty on assembled kits
Standard MC Phono Step-Up (SUT) Kits
The Standard Kit is supplied with the proven LL9226, LL1678 or LL1681 MC step-up transformers. (click on the model numbers to bring up the data sheet) These are proven performers for the budget minded.
The LL1678 uses an amorphous core, the LL9226 uses a cobalt based uncut amorphous strip core and the LL1681 uses a MU metal core..
The standard kit now employs the new Lundahl LL9226 for improved sound. This transformer is a rethinking of the already very good LL9206, incorporating what was learned in the development of the LL1931. It offers across-the-board better perfomance than its predecessor. 
The LL9226 can give 14, 20 or 26dB of gain, the LL1678 can give 18, 24 or 30dB of gain and the LL1681 can give 13 or 26dB of gain.
Solder pads for resistors (1/4 or 1/2W) on the secondary side of each transformer are provided on the PC board so that the user can optimize resistive loading for the best sound.
The kit includes connectors, transformers, PC board, generic high purity copper wire, hardware, and enclosure.
NOTE: we need the specs of your MC cartridge in order to get the correct R-LOAD resistor value!
Important note about the R-LOAD resistor.
We base the R-LOAD resistor value, shipped with your kit, on the data on your MC cartridge you provided us with.
This value is not completely set in concrete, and can in fact be varied with a resistor value above and below with what is shipped with your kit.
The relevant different values which can be tried for a given SUT model are detailed in the Applications Guide. Experimenting with different R-LOAD resistor values will change the resulting tone of your turntable and cartridge in use and allows you to really fine tune your MC cartridge.
To aid in trying out different R-LOAD resistor value, our kits come with gold plated pcb pins, onto which the R-LOAD resistor is mounted/soldered to. This makes changing out the R-LOAD resistor easier and safer, as constant de soldering and re soldering of parts directly on a pcb pad can and will damage that pad in time.
Please see the photo's below showing how the R-LOAD resistoe is mounted to these pcb pins.
The standard enclosure is a cobalt blue diecast aluminum case that provides exceptional RF shielding. The enclosure is physically small (4.57″ x 3.03″ x 1.48″, 16cm x 7.7cm x 3.8cm), so it can be located conveniently.
The standard color for the case is Cobalt Blue, but we can also offer the following colors, depending on availability. Please contact us first if you wish to have a color other than Cobalt blue, as it may not be available straight away.
For more information on MC SUT's, and how to apply proper loading to cartridges, we suggest you visit this page, Applications Guide
  LL9226 Cobalt based uncut Amorphous strip core, Standard   
  Moving Coil Step-Up Kit:
  LL1678 Amorphous core, Standard Moving Coil Step-Up Kit:
  LL1681 MU metal core, Standard Moving Coil Step-Up Kit:
  (uses Premium SUT pcb)
  Assembled and tested kit, add to the above prices:
  Shipping to the lower 48:
Premium SUT Kit prices
Standard SUT Kit prices
Premium SUT pcb
Standard SUT pcb
The gold plated pcb pins on the Standard sut kit pcb, showing how the R-LOAD resistor is mounted/soldered
The gold plated pcb pins on the Premium sut kit pcb, showing how the R-LOAD resistor is mounted/soldered
Important thing to keep in mind with these SUT kits when different cartridges are planned to be used with one SUT kit.
The above SUT kits are really not designed to be used with different model cartridges, unless those cartridges happen to have similar specifications, such as output signal level and desired loading impedance as recommended by the OEM
With the Standard SUT kits, the transformer step up ratio is hard wired and therefor is optmized for one cartridge model only. The step up ratio would be very difficult to change as it would require the dismantling and removal/de soldering of the transformer and jumper links to change the step up ratio.
With the Premium SUT kits, they come with a mini toggle switch which allows the user to change the step up ratio of each model premium transformer used in the SUT kit, but this would also generally require the change of the loading resistor in order to 'match' the different cartridge to be used.
This reqiures de soldering of the loading resistor and then re soldering of the new value loading resistor. This requires careful soldering using a small tip on the soldering iron and one should have reasonably well soldering skills, as it would be too easy to actually de solder the gold plated loading resistor pins as well!
For pcb only kits, click here.