Titan II

Titan II
Standard, RCA
XLR wired in unbalanced mode, pins 1&3 shorted,
no LL1544A
XLR using 4x LL1544A
for true balanced mode
$1,890.00 - $2,240.00
Optional VU meter at no extra cost
Sound Perfection
XLR in and outputs
RCA in and outputs
Hybrid tube Circuit
standard retro VU meters
optional square VU meters
Titan II is our completely revised hybrid tube tape head preamp using the excellent 6922/E88CC/6N23P-EV family triode and is designed for use with most reel to reel tape decks, consumer or pro.
The preamp circuit is a ground up design by our partner, the renowned tube circuit guru Ray Waters. His brilliant circuit has been mated with our in-house designed regulated solid state power supplies.
The result is a fantastic sounding tape head preamp that is able to work with a wide range of playback head impedances.
The VU meters are calibrated to pro level 4dB @ 0dB VU/1.228V rms. This can also be calibrated to consumer level 0dB @ 0dB VU/0.775V rms on request.
We also offer an optional VU meter, see below.
Another unique feature of this design is that Titan II can be switched between NAB (7.5 & 15 IPS), IEC 7.5IPS and IEC 15IPS. Or, Titan II can be built for IEC only, 7.5, 15 & 30IPS, NO NAB.
Standard with Titan II is a playback EQ which can be calibrated to suit a particular tape or for general EQ fine adjustment.
Three adjustable frequencies are provided. Low @ 50Hz, high @ 25KHz and shelve @ 16KHz. Gain control is also provided.
For those who prefer to just have a 'basic' tape head preamp, we can build Titan II without the EQ, please inquire when discussing your Titan II with us.
Titan II is built with either RCA in and outputs or as an option with XLR balanced in and outputs using the superb Lundahl LL1544A audio transformer. Titan II can also be built with 'unbalanced' XLR, where pins 1&3 are shorted, this version will not use the Lundahl LL1544A audio transformer.
Titan II is built to order and will take around 6 weeks to complete and ship.
We have written an article on using an external tape head preamp, we feel this is VERY worthwhile reading before you decide to go ahead with Titan II. Click here.
Titan II is a tape head preamp, so it must be connected directly to the decks playback head, NOT the tape deck audio output! There are a number of articles on how to best do this mod for your deck model, on the Net.
Titan II is housed in a 2U all metal custom chassis. For dimensions, go to the specifications page.