Buddy MKII are handcrafted to the finest standards using the excellent Tung Sol KT120 beam tetrode and a pair of matched factory new Tung Sol 6SN7's. The KT120 is one of the very few power audio tubes that can deliver this kind of grunt without becoming over-stressed. This is a well built tube, and it delivers an amazingly clear and detailed sound with good bass to boot!
The Tung Sol 6SN7 is a very reliable and solid performer, easily one of the best octal preamp tubes to be had. There are literally thousands of NOS 6SN7's out there, allowing the user to try out many different brands with varying characteristics of this classic tube - also known as tube rolling - which can have a positive effect to the overall sound of this amplifier. Please note that it will take time for these factory  new 6SN7s and KT120's tubes to settle in, generally about 50-100 hours.
Since two Buddy MKII's are required for stereo playback, as standard they are built and delivered with mirrored chassis, that is a left- and a right-hand chassis. We can of course on request build two right-handed or two left-handed chassis'.


This circuit is inspired by the classic Mullard amplifier design of the 1950's with some 'modern' touches, such as a temperature compensated LM334 CCS (Constant Current Source) and with auto bias using the excellent AB-Qi auto bias module. Bias is pre set by us and from then on will never require adjustment again. The Auto Bias module will compensate for aging tubes as well as the slight difference bewteen each KT120 power tube to keep the bias for each tube at the pre set optimum operating level for the best sound and longevity of each KT120 output tube.
Once a tube does get to a point, due to wear or a fault, where the auto bias module can no longer hold the pre set bias, the corresponding LED indicator light,which is located on the top plate next to each power tube, will go out which indicates that the tube will need to be replaced.
Power Supply:
Power is supplied by own design power transformer. It is a solid state rectified with a choke input power supply followed by a CRC circuit to arrive at the various levels of the high voltage B+.
To limit inrush current when first powered up, we use an NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) thermistor.
Only high quality components are used in the construction of Buddy. All power supply electrolytic capacitors are Nichicon high voltage snap in caps. Film capacitors are WIMA, and coupling capacitors are Russian PIO (Paper In Oil), hand picked and matched by us from our very own collection. Resistors in the signal paths are Vishay CMF and RN low noise military spec film resistors. RCA sockets are gold plated, and speaker posts are Rhodium.
The printed circuit boards are designed in house and manufactured to FR4-TG standards. They are double layer with full ground planes on both sides to ensure complete screening of the circuits.
The output transformers are the excellent LL1679PP, the power transformer is our own design and custom made for us by Heyboer Transformers.
NOTE: With the Lundahl OPT's, either 4 or 8 ohms speaker impedance is available, not both.
General specs:
Power output with 4x Tung Sol KT120 power tubes: 120Watts from 17Hz to 40KHz at less than 0.7% THD in ultra linear mode.
IMD: < 0.38% (18Khz and 21Khz) at rated power
Frequency response: 10Hz to 35Khz +/- 0.1dB at 120Watts
Power bandwidth: 17Hz to 40Khz +/- 0.3dB at 120Watts
Sensitivity: 2.5 volt in for 120Watts out
Feedback: 10dB
Damping Factor: 14
Input impedance: 270,000 ohms
Hum & noise: > 95dB below 120Watts output
Power requirement: 120VAC 60Hz; or it can be wired for 220-240VAC 50Hz;
Weight: 31lb each
170W @ idle
Dimensions: 10.5"W x 17"D x 9"H NOTE: the depth/length includes the speaker posts and attenuator knob